Molter BV

A nursery and breeder of perennials founded in 1998  
A wide range of constant, high level quality and flexibility are the main characteristics of our company. To stay true to our characteristics, we make sure activities are taken into our own account as much as possible. These activities include the production of cuttings for planting material, the cultivation of tissue culture, the growing of perennials on our fields until processing and the preparing of plants for export. We have our own specialized cooling facilities, where we store the plants until they are ready for export. These cooling facilities operate at exactly the right temperature and humidity level. USA-washing, cleaning, bulk packaging and smaller packaging are also part of the available possibilities.

A wide range of constant, high level quality
Perennial breeding is the other main activity of Molter BV. The increased demand for potted plants and the cutflower market are the main focus for our breeding program. The breeding of varieties for the different geographic and climatologic areas in the world are important issues.

A wide range of constant, high level quality and flexibility are the main characteristics of our company.

Address:   Leidsevaart 133 2211 VS Noordwijkerhout Netherlands
Phone:  +31 (0)252 - 54 50 22   FAX: 


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